“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
~ Nelson Mandela
We help organizations support their employees
Fact: Employees with high resilience have 31% lower turnover.
The WiderPath program teaches employees how to better manage stress and find balance in their lives.
Fact: Emotional regulation leads to greater happiness
The program helps employees get to work, and remain at work, by increasing emotional self-regulation, resilience, mindfulness, and neuroplasticity.
Our results speak for themselves
We help you drive higher retention, improve job satisfaction, and reduce stress and burnout.

"Look at how many people in all these different walks of life are here in the room –everybody’s really gotten a lot out of this and really enjoyed it.”
~ Anonymous Program Participant
Get The Most Out
Of WiderPath
In 2.5 days, The WiderPath program increases resilience, improves emotional self regulation and teaches you practical tools to reduce stress and have more choice in your life.